FUE Technique

This is a novel technique in which individual follicular units are harvested with great care with help of a microscope and micro instruments so as to produce barely visible pits and when heals leaves behind non discernible scars which look scarless unlike FUT technique in which there is a linear scar and hence will remain visible.. The grafts are kept by a specific technique to preserve vitality of the grafts. These are then implanted in the bald areas of scalp. These implanted hairs fall off by 4 to 5 weeks but start to regrow by 3 months and maximum results are seen by 12 months to 18 months.

Advantages of FUE over FUT:

  • Very cosmetically pleasing results since it gives very natural looking results.
  • Transplanted hairs are permanent if good care is taken.
  • Healing time of the donor area is very quick (4 to 6 days) and the healed area looks virtually “scarless”. Hence even after healing the person can have a close cropped look unlike in FUT.

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